Enroll policies
* Students can not attend classes if they haven't registered by the first day of school. 开学的第一天, 没有注册的学生不能进教室听课.
* Students may not attend classes if tuition hasn't be fully paid by the 2nd day of school. 开学后的第二次课, 还没有交学费的学生不能再进入课堂.
* Student registers but does not pay fully, a $10 late fee will be applied to each unpaid class after 9/20/18. 过了9/20/18, 学生将要为没付清款的课程交迟滞费$10/每门.
* If two or more students in a family register classes in the same semester, $5 family tution discount will be applied. 一个家庭有两个以上学生同时注册, 这个家庭将得到$5的减免.
* Early bird discount $5 will be applied by the end of the day 8/24/2018. 开学前 (8/24/2018)注册交费, 将得到 $5的减免.
* Registration fee is $10 per student per semester. 每个学生每个学期要交$10的注册费.
* If a student registers on/before the 8th week , full price applies. 学生注册在第八周(含第八周)之前, 需要付全额的学费.
* If a student registers on/after the 9th week , half price applies. 学生注册在第九周(含第九周)之后, 只需付半额的学费.
* If a student drops a class after the second week, no refund. 学生在开学两周后, 停止学习, 将不退学费.
* If a student drops a class on or before the second week, full refund apply. 学生在开学两周或两周前, 停止学习, 将全额退还.
* There is no refund or discount if a student misses any class. 学生因为自己的原因耽误上课, 学校不负任何经济责任(不退减学费).
*Enrollment for Advance Dance Class has approved by Xilin Manage Team, no makeup allowed. 申请上Advance Dance 课的学生, 要经希林舞蹈艺术团批准, 不允许补课.